
How it works

Get the most out of your attendance

We know that it’s the personal connections you make at a conference that deliver the most value to you and your business. Our digital event platform Deal Room provides a full 1-1 meeting scheduling system to help you make the most of the event.

You never know where a meeting or making a new acquaintance will take you so don’t be shy – engage now to build relationships for the future!

1. Discover who is participating

Once the platform is open, you can easily browse the participant list and book meetings. Simply apply the search filter to find the people and companies you are most interested in meeting.

2. Book and manage meetings

Browse the participants and send requests to the people you want to meet and get an overview of all your pending, accepted and declined meeting requests.

3. Meeting management

Each meeting is designed to an meeting area, you’ll have 15 minutes to make an impression.